Electrolytic battery charger Membrane Potential of Charged Porous Membranes in Single 1-1 Electrolyte Solutions 电解液蓄电池充电器1-1型单组分盐溶液中荷电膜膜电位的研究
The origination potential of oxygen reduction reaction being more positive, larger electrolyte concentration and higher temperature could promote the reaction. 增加硫酸电解液浓度,开路电位正移,升高温度有利于反应进行。
Experimental Investigation of Transmembrane Potential of Pressure-Dressed Membrane Process in Electrolyte Solutions 电解质溶液体系中压力驱动膜过程跨膜电位的实验研究
The potential response and distribution of the thin electrolyte layer between IR window and working electrode reflection mirror of in-situ IR cell 现场红外反射光谱电解池薄层的电势响应及电势分布初探
The surface potential of the samples decreases with the electrolyte concentration increasing, but the surface charge density, and the electric field strength increase slowly; 随电解质浓度的增加,三种紫色土的表面电位的负值都表现出下降的趋势,而表面电荷密度负值则表现出稍微增加趋势;
The solid electrolyte interphase film ( SEI film) of anode materials for lithium batteries was studied by SERS in this paper. Study on noble metal at low potential shows that trace water in non-aqueous electrolyte has an important influence on the SEI film. 本文对锂电池中负极材料表面固体电解质膜(SEI膜)的SERS谱进行了研究:极化低电位下对贵重金属的研究表明,非水电解质溶液中痕量水的存在将对SEI膜产生重要影响。
Distribution of oxygen potential in zro_2 based solid electrolyte and selection of reference electrode 定氧电池氧化锆电解质中的氧位分布与参比电极的选择
Operational Mechanism of pH-ISFET and Temperature Characteristics of Interfacial Potential Developed between Ion Sensitive Film and Electrolyte Solution 氢离子敏场效应晶体管工作机理及其界面电势差温度特性的探讨
Size Distribution and Dynamic Potential of Nano-SiO2 Particles in Electrolyte Solutions 复合电解质溶液中纳米SiO2颗粒分散性及其表面动电电位
It shows that the sizes of streaming potential relate to electrolyte kinds, temperature and concentration of the crystallized matter. The exact recurrence of the experimental data influenced by external factors is difficult. 实验结果表明流动电位大小与结晶物质的种类、温度和浓度有关,同时易受外界因素的干扰,实验数据的严格重现较难。
An electrochemical double protection system against both corrosion and fouling by controlled potential and electrolyte 一种电化学双防系统&恒电位-电解系统防腐蚀和防附着初步研究
Benzene molecule may be adsorbed on the surface of the roughened Rh electrode with a structure like 1,3-cyclohexadiene. The dependence of benzene electrochemical adsorption on the electrode potential and the electrolyte has been studied in this paper. 苯分子可能以1,3-环己二烯的结构吸附于铑电极表面。
Occurrence and accumulative effect of asymmetric membrane potential in the electrolyte solutions 不对称膜在电解质溶液中产生的电势及其迭加作用
An Investigation Into Potential of Mixed Electrolyte Solution Containing Single Pair 含单一电对混合电解质溶液的电位研究
Potential variation of thin oil film in electrolyte is an electrochemical process. 薄层油膜在电解质中的电位变化是一个电化学过程。
The precondition of good bond intensity between plating layer and substrate, i.e. the condition of realizing potential activation is that the reduction potential of metal ion in the electrolyte is less than activation potential of oxygen layer in the surface of substrate. 保证电镀层与金属基体良好结合的前提,即实现电位活化的条件是电镀液中金属离子的还原电位必须负于基体金属表面氧化层的还原电位。
SO_2 Gas Electrochemical Sensor at Fixed Potential Using Solid Electrolyte of Proton Exchange Membrane Modified with Phosphoric Acid 以磷酸型质子交换膜为固体电解质的定电位电解型气体传感器
The effect of anodic aging on the property and constitute of passive film mainly depend on the aging time, anodic potential and oxidizing of electrolyte. 阳极钝化时效对钝化膜的性能与组成的影响主要取决于时效时间,阳极电位与电解液的氧化性等因素。
But in some cases, there is a line of cathodic protection with only to reach a potential pipeline electrolyte low potential to protect pipelines, still there is a serious corrosion, the main cause is the cathodic protection of failure. 但在一些情况下,有阴极保护的管道上仅用管道对电解质电位达到较低电位来保护管道,仍会发生较为严重的腐蚀,其主要原因是阴极保护的失效。
Osmotic potential decreased not obviously, and electrolyte leakage rate increased not significantly. 渗透势都降低,但幅度不大,电解质外渗率升高,但不显著。
The morphology and the structure of TiO2 nanotubes were characterized respectively by means of FE-SEM, XRD, TEM, and so on. The effects of anodic potential, anodic time and electrolyte composition on the nanotube morphology were investigated. 本文采用恒压阳极氧化法制备TiO2纳米管阵列,通过FE-SEM、XRD、TEM等对纳米管阵列的形貌和结构进行表征,并研究了阳极氧化电压、时间及电解液种类对管阵列形貌、结构的影响。
The effects of PB film thickness, applied potential and electrolyte solution on the current response of Cr ( VI) reduction were thoroughly studied. 本实验考察了普鲁士蓝膜厚度、还原电位、电解质对Cr(Ⅵ)还原响应电流大小的影响。
Experimental results show that: The formation of CdSe was affected by deposition potential, deposition time, electrolyte concentration. 实验结果表明:CdSe的形成受沉积电位、沉积时间和沉积浓度的影响。
At the condition of fixed anions, the stability of Na+-saturated montmorillonite aggregates was weaker that the K+-saturated aggregates, and the difference was enhanced by the increasing surface potential value ( decreasing electrolyte solution concentration). 在阴离子固定的条件下,钠饱和团聚体的稳定性显著弱于钾饱和团聚体,且这种差异随着表面电位值的升高(电解质溶液的降低)而增强。
They have the potential of becoming commercialization Lithium-ion battery electrolyte which are the base of the research and development of lithium salts in the future. 有发展为商品化锂离子电池电解质锂盐的潜能。为今后新型锂盐的研究和发展奠定了理论基础和实践基础。
The effects of anodic potential, current density, electrolyte composition and annealed temperature on the nanotube morphology and Catalytic properties were investigated. 考察了制备电压、电流密度、电解液组成及退火温度对催化剂表面形貌及催化性能的影响。
The emphasis was put upon the effects of temperature, charge-discharge process, electrode potential and electrolyte on the mechanism of SEI formation. The electronic properties of active materials, the charge transfer process and the mechanism of inductance formation were also thoroughly discussed. 重点探讨了温度、充放电过程、电极电位和电解液种类等对SEI膜成膜机制、材料电子电导率、电荷传递过程和感抗产生机制的影响规律。
Potential distributions during diffusion layer and bulk of the electrolyte obey exponential distribution and linear distribution, respectively. 电极扩散层内的电势呈指数分布,电解液主体的电势呈线性分布。
Yttria stabilized zirconia ( YSZ) has excellent chemical and mechanical properties, thermal stability, pure oxygen conduction, and now it still has great potential as electrolyte materials in medium-high temperature SOFC ( 700-1000 ℃). 钇稳定氧化锆(YSZ)具有优异的化学性能、力学性能、热稳定性以及纯的氧离子电导性,目前仍是潜力最大的中高温(700-1000℃)SOFC的电解质材料。